Keeping old customers or getting new ones

(The power of old clients and the expansion of new clients)

As a business owner, you understand that customers are indeed kings.
Old clients ensure that your bottom line remains. Meaning that you need their repeat buy to be in business, while the new customers help you with expansion.

If I were to take this decision, I would rather keep my old clients, because the old clients are going to become your ambassadors, your free marketers and they will always bring plus one.

Having the old market and your old customers satisfied is your priority.
For someone who runs a salon business, that is , barbering, nail, weavon sales or the spa, etc. Your focus should be on how to treat your old customers better and how to give them an experience that will make them come back. Not just coming back, but an experience that will make them bring someone else.

 In putting all of this together, that is where we talk about the salon 360 course.
The salon 360 course now gives you an in depth understanding of how;

1. Build a salon business plan and structure
2. Create your space in the industry
3. Set up functional Salon business operational and management manuals
4. Know how to keep records in Salon Business
5. create custom Pricing/ remuneration and product management strategies
6. create a template for their business HR (recruitment,training, policies,manuals & ethics, job responsibilities etc)

7. Segment their customers and create services for all.
8. Explore other career opportunities.
9. know how to get alternative funding in setting up a salon business
 Lets look at how segmenting customers and creating services for all influences your Salon business

1. To build relationships - It is not about the text messages they send and the new month messages they bombard your phones with. The salon 360° course will also help you cover how to segment your customers.
By segmentation you will be looking in terms of;
1. Age
2. Industry
3. Gender

 If you are able to segment your customers properly, you will know how to deal with them.
Now, the directional question you will ask after taking the salon 360° course will be - How do i bring my Customer Relationship and blend it with the segments to give my customers the beautiful experience?
Because in all, when you take people from a certain segment, you decide the type of relationship that works for them. For instance, if part of my clientele are children, the relationship I'm going to create will not be the text messages. I have to create an onsite experience that will make them ask their parents to bring them back. If i am dealing with a woman, i should know how to connect with her experience to make her come back. If my clients are male, probably i have the barbering salon, i have to learn how to communicate with the man to make him come back, bring his kids or his friends.
I should learn to put things in place that will make it the one stop shop for him.
It is quite easy to say, "l need more paying customers" and practice strategies and methods to get them.
Then what?
Does your customer attraction end with acquisition?
What strategies do you have in place to ensure that your customers are retained?
Remember, there are two types of salon businesses!
Touch-and-go: they give customers one-time experience that lasts for that time. After that,  customers never come back.
Leave-to-cleave: This is when a client gets a life time experience that gets renewed with each meeting.
Neither of the two parties ever have enough of the other. There is always something delightful to know or experience.
Which one are you?
Customer attraction does not stop at acquisition. Treat your old customers the same way you treat the ROYALTY.


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