When it comes opening a Salon business, most people tend to conceive it in their minds and they plan with either what they have seen or observed from other places or by trying to fill in an area where they feel there is a need. Don't think this does not concern you, if you have a hairdressing, Barbering, spa, makeup , Wig and weavon business or you have bulked all or some to form your unisex or general salon; you need to grab a seat to read this post.

 It is important for every salon business owner or anybody intending to start up one to first of all know the right questions to ask, classes to take, how to employ for their type of business, before you talk about money to rent a space or equipment.

There seems to be a major misconception about starting a salon business. We assume its as easy as getting a place, hiring skilled hands, "tushing" up the salon and tadaaah! people start trouping in.  I can imagine the number of people who are nodding in affirmation as they read. Yes we assume its that simple and straight forward until we start. Dear salon business entrepreneur let's correct some notions.

First of all, this business can be lucrative and can generate that daily income you require. But before it gets to that stage, you must have learnt how to cost and divide your products, hire the right team, and get the right customers. All available on Salon 360 Business education  for salon business owners. This is the first thing you should have done before paying for any space, equipment or products. Its a course that gives you a detailed 360 view at the industry, the career opportunities and how to specialize and create a space that few people in the industry occupy. This is the course that makes you relevant in the industry.
Because we understand you run a  business that your desire as a business person is to see your visions come alive,  your  investments mature and yield profit in the shortest time possible. We have put together this checklist to help you  evaluate your salon business.

1.     What type of salon do you want to run?

People keep saying salon business is saturated and I wonder how that is possible. There are over fifteen career paths available in the industry but most persons know about opening a salon or selling of products; people are not specializing. This will help you find your niche that I can assure you won’t be saturated.  You can sign up to find your career path in the Industry.

2.     What is your vision for your salon?

Your vision is different from your wishes, when I ask people where they see their businesses in two or five years, I get answers like “ I want to have different branches” “I want to be amongst the top salons in the state or country”. When we go further to how do you intend to achieve it, we realize that they haven’t thought through that part. When we talk about your vision it is always tied to your mission and goals. That clarity is what every salon business owner needs.

3.     Who is your ideal customer?

This is another key criteria that business owners overlook. For starters, EVERYONE is not your customer even if you run a general or unisex salon, you have heard that before right? Well it applies to this industry too. Even if you sell lower than the standard price, there are people who will never come to your salon no matter how cheap you sell. Underpricing your products and services wouldn’t change that either. A lot of people who start by selling below their cost price find it difficult to charge more because they unconsciously  attract the wrong customers.

4.     How do you define value?

Value is not what you think you offer, it is what your customers believe they get from using your products or service.

If you still struggle with pricing or have customers who come and do not return; then your value proposition may not clear.

5.    The role of education.

Be open to learning especially in the industry, be open to alternative learning methods. Stop waiting for trainings and education to come to your door step. Be on top of the trend and become relevant.

6.    Stop offering General services

If you follow any of my Instagram handle, SAY U HAIR ACADEMY. You will see that I practically dissuade people who want to be relevant in this industry from offering general services. It’s like being the jack of all trade master of none. You can’t do hair, barbering, makeup spa etc on skill base like the salons down the road and expect to break even. That will almost be impossible because 80% of the people in salon business start by doing everything.

If you already have a standard facility, well equipped with good ambience and more than 3 staff that you pay salaries;  pricing and hiring like the salons that are down the road will put you out of business. First your overhead is huge so you can’t be cheaper than the roadside salons.secondly, you can't expect people pay more out of sympathy, let them see value.  Please specialize. This link will shade more light to this topic. Why general services may be killing your business

7. Its okay to Fail.

If you follow my social media handles Twitter, Facebook,LinkedIn, Google My business, Instagram Say U Hair Academy. You will know my story by now. I have been in this industry since 2008 and I have closed shop three times; yes it's no typo 3 times. Each time I hit a wall that I can't go round, above, under or through. I go back to the drawing table. Most of the time, education to gain clarity would be all I need. It wasn't easy closing the first time I can assure you, but once I understood I wasn't going to succeed either doing what I was doing,  I closed and braved it. Today, you have an option of someone holding your hand and talking you through the journey at SAY U HAIR ACADEMY. send an email to or and request to speak with our experts

Ultimately, you cannot run a successful salon business without a professional business plan in place and this is what it looks like in salon business. So if you're about starting or struggling with a existing one, use SALON 360 course to build or set solid foundations;  If you want to become a professional hairdresser that will stand out as a business owner, partner or well paid staff; I'd advice you go through the Salon Internship Program

You cannot do it on your own, find professional help, get resource materials from our page. If you already have an existing business, you can still build a plan and try to work based on these guidelines, then you will be sure to experience a boost in your business.


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