
Showing posts from November, 2019


WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU EXPERIENCE HAIR LOSS OR BREAKAGE - BEGINNER'S GUI I was doing a social media audit recently and I realized that I have come a long way in my pursuit to have healthy hair and wear extension that will compliment rather than replace my hair. I have sold, produced, customized, trained, and now I certify but I’m yet to scratch the surface of how best the African woman can manage her hair, with minimal damage, time and finances. Our hair goals are constantly evolving with trend and as we become more aware of the dangers of some processes and styles. For some, this realization is a bit too late because they now suffer irreversible hair loss and damage.  I remember the first time I lost hair in large quantity.  I was use to the normal hair on shoulder and the floor breakage; no big deal. But that morning I put a small tooth comb in my hair and looked down “WHAT!!!” it was as if I ran a clipper right through my head, 35% of my frontal hair was on...
NEVER BE AFRAID TO FAIL, YOU GET BETTER WHEN YOU RISE UP AGAIN If you follow my social media handles @ Say U Hair Academy. You will know my story by now. I have been in this industry since 2008 and I have closed shop three times; yes, it's no typo- 3 times. Each time I hit a wall that I can't go around, above, under or through. I go back to the drawing table. Most of the time, I sought education to gain clarity for all I needed at that point in time. It wasn't easy closing the first time I can assure you, but once I understood I wasn't going to succeed either doing what I was doing, I closed and braved it. Today, you have an option of someone holding your hand and talking you through the journey at SAY U HAIR ACADEMY Ultimately, you cannot run a successful salon business without a professional business plan in place  and this is what it looks like in salon business. So if you're about starting or struggling with an existing one, use SALON 360 co...
CAN WIGS REALLY CAUSE HAIR LOSS? I've often been asked questions addressing the issue of wig wearing & hair loss. I've been wearing wigs constantly for over 2 years so I can respond not only from a point of knowledge, but experiences as well. It is not all wigs that cause alopecia. A good wig should fit comfortably not tightly, as that can put a lot of tension round your hairline or inflame your follicles which may cause boils. Let's address the wigs that are culpable for hair loss and know the wigs you need to avoid;  1. Glue Lace wigs  - This trend was the leading cause of traction & scarring alopecia in Nigeria about ten years ago. There are still cases of keloids and boils from previous wearers that has persisted till date and some never got their hair lines back.  2 . U- part wigs - These wigs cause a form of traction alopecia that we jokingly call red-sea part. Here the hair loss occurs only at the point where the hair is ...
WHEN THE VISION FOR YOUR SALON IS NOT CLEAR. If you’re running a salon business today, I’m sure you started out with a great vision because you identified a problem and you started proffering solutions. The question is, are you still on track or have you lost focus? For some people, they may have derailed because of following trends or some may even be overwhelmed by how far the business has grown, because they didn’t anticipate it to blossom to the level it has. So many salon business owners wake up every morning asking what to do next. The confusion is real. In this article, I’m going to run you through some methods that can be employed to cope especially if the job has become too overwhelming or if you started on the wrong track and intend to start all over again.       WHY DID YOU START IN THE FIRST PLACE ? Questions like why did I start this business, what was the purpose? These are the kind of questions you need to ask yourself and try to ans...